LS Retail Compass Europe 2019.

Ort und Zeit des Treffens: Ljubljana, 6–7. 11. 2019.

LS Retail Compass Europe is a conference that brings together retail partners, buyers of LS solutions and exhibitors. This was the 5th LS Retail Compass Conference and it consisted of 2 days of presentations, workshops and discussions. A discussion with leading retail experts was also organized. The topics of the lectures covered themes like the overview of developments in the retail world, the announcement of new technologies and market trends, and the presentations of new solutions in hospitality, contactless payment and e-commerce platforms related to retail.

A special emphasis was placed on establishing a network of partner and business contacts, in order to provide a more wholesome client service both in the domestic and international market.
A platform for the exchange of services and knowledge was also created under the sponsorship of LS Retail.
Partners and clients from the Philippines, Denmark, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Iceland, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Serbia attended the conference.
The conclusion of the conference was that this event was a very good opportunity to establish contacts, but also to promote DignetSoftware as a reliable and experienced partner.
At the conference a cooperation with a German partner and with a company from Ireland was arranged.

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