DignetDays 2023


Registration is now closed because the Conference has reached full capacity!


For more information, contact dignetdays@dignet.hr


DignetDays is the annual business and technology conference organized by DignetSoftware where you can get a lot of information on various new technologies and new ideas in the field of business software. In the last couple of years, we invited top experts from the field of business software, and related fields such as finance, dark web, and similar, and we had the privilege of listening to them conduct their sessions and share their experiences.

On this year’s DignetDays we are preparing a lot of topics: the influence of technology on sports through the development of the cloud, AI, renewable energy sources (the first independently developed solution by DignetSoftware), and the possibilities of enhancing business efficiency through EU funds.

We will peek into the connection between sports and technology. This would enable us to find out if technology changed sports, and how does technology help athletes with major preparations and protect them from injuries. Partner of the panel: Association of veteran and recreational athletes (DSVR).

Trimit is Unlocking the Future with: AI in Business Solutions Revolutionizing Fashion and Furniture.

Don’t let your current POS and bookkeeping system hold back your growth – this is the message from LS Retail representing LS Express - The online retail POS for Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Dynamicweb has tips on what to do Faster, Better, Stronger when your clients become digitalized.

Aside from leading experts on ERP implementation, DignetSoftware also has a strong team of people responsible for the development of the DignetEnergyProject, the company’s first independently developed software solution. During DignetSoftware’s session, you will have the opportunity to discover the complex and hard challenges DignetSoftware is facing, and to meet the “strong” individuals, without whom solving these challenges would be unimaginable.

Are you ready to enhance your success and become more efficient with the help of EU funds financing? You will find out how to enhance your success and become more efficient with the help from our EU funds experts during the second panel.

You can hear more information on all these subjects on our BETTER, FASTER, STRONGER DignetDays!

Our conference will be held on October 19th, 2023 in Hotel Academia in Zagreb, and it will begin at 9.00 a.m.

The working languages of the conference are Croatian and English with simultaneous interpretation.

Partner of the conference: Croatian Chamber of Economy


Partner of the panel FASTER Process through digitalization – Long life learning: Association of veteran and recreational athletes (DSVR)



Sponsors of the Conference:


LS Retail


DignetDays timeline

  • DignetDays 2022

    Tomorrow is already here!
    第十届商业技术会议 DignetDays 2022 于 2022 年 10 月 20 日以“明天已经到来”为主题举行! 感谢我们的小组成员和演讲者们有趣且富有创意性和启发性的演讲,这使得参会者们有机会听到各种有价值的信息并扩展他们的技术和虚拟视野。

  • DignetDays 2021

    今年,连续召开的第九届会议名为 “认识 DignetSoftware——一家日不落公司。” 和去年一样,我们要对社会负责,所以大会延续了线上的方式举行。 会议有 450 多名与会者,我们要感谢他们的出席,我们还要感谢 10 位演讲者有趣而有见地的演讲。

  • DignetDays 2020

    Dignet, we have a problem!
    今年会议的主题“Dignet,我们出问题了!” 是关于数字化转型的,我们的 DignetDays 也经历了自己的转型。 这是 DignetDays 首次以线上形式展现。

  • DignetDays 2019

    With DignetSoftware 2 the stars
    连续的第七个 DignetDays 举办了——“With DignetSoftware 2 the stars”。 今年,重点是 DignetSoftware 在设计方面的新颖性,在已知系统的组成部分上或在为客户量身定制的解决方案上。 除此之外,今年我们还将关注物联网解决方案和人工智能的可能性,因为这些也是 DignetSoftware 已经取得飞跃的领域。

  • DignetDays 2018

    第六届 DignetDays 技术会议于 2018 年 10 月 25 日举行,主题为 “DignetSoftware4Future”。 来自 80 家公司的 150 多名与会者参加了会议,11 位演讲者的演讲内容丰富且有趣。

  • DignetDays 2017

    Good rain is going to fall
    2017 年 10 月 25 日,连续的第五届 DignetDays 技术会议以“好雨将至”为主题成功举办。

  • DignetDays 2016

    Make a good decision
    以“做出正确的决定”为主题的第四届 DignetDays 技术大会成功举办。 它于 10 月 28 日在萨格勒布的竞技场中心举办,有来自斯洛文尼亚、克罗地亚和波黑的 90 多名与会者。

  • DignetDays 2015

    DignetDays 2015
    与 Metronet 合作,DignetDays 2015 在 Cinestar Arena Center 举办。 今年 DignetDays 的主题是“云端的 ERP 和零售”。

  • DignetDays 2014

    DignetDays 2014
    连续的第二届 DignetDays 会议在 Banja Luka 的 Vidovići 酒店举行,主题为“云端的微软 DYNAMICS NAV/ LS零售”。

  • DignetDays 2013

    DignetDays 2013
    2013 年 9 月 6 日星期五在微软克罗地亚举行的活动中,我们希望将 DignetSoftware 作为一家公司展示给我们的客户,并将 LS Retail 作为零售、酒店和加油站的业务监控解决方案介绍给我们的客户。
