DignetSoftware at DIRECTIONS EMEA VIENNA 2019
Event place and time: Wienna, 9–11. 10. 2019.
This year’s Directions EMEA in Vienna had a surprisingly large number of visitors (there were 2357 guests in the introductory lecture). Most of the guests were partners focused on Business Systems, MS Partners and ISV companies.
Our booth attracted a lot of attention primarily by being the only one from Croatia (and the region) and by representing a company from Croatia doing international projects. At the booth we also promoted Croatian products by donating Croatian products like Bajadera chocolates, Bronhi candies, etc. The interest that we gained at the Directions EMEA conference surprised us. There was hardly a minute when we did not have someone at our booth inquiring about what we are doing and the possibilities for cooperation. Eight companies even sent their employees to our conference which was held on 10/17/2019. in the Cinestar Arena in Zagreb to demonstrate their interest in cooperation. During the Directions EMEA conference, cooperation talks and negotiations on 2 international projects were initiated.
In addition to the business aspect, the conference had an educational part. There was a number of interesting lectures that essentially defined the direction in which Microsoft development and policies, and business communication would continue in the upcoming period.
We learned about Microsoft's plans for Croatia (and the region) and how the development and licensing technology will change.
The greatest value of the conference was establishing contacts with many partners, as well as positioning and/or increasing the visibility of DignetSoftware in the international market.
Projekt sufinanciran sredstvima Europske unije iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj kroz OP Konkurentnost i kohezija 2014.-2020. u sklopu natječaja Internacionalizacija poslovanja MSP-ova – faza II, referentna oznaka Poziva KK.
Dodatne informacije o financiranju iz EU fondova mogu se pronaći na www.strukturnifondovi.hr